
omg! she has fleas!!

This winter was very warm in Los Angeles. I found the first flea in the beginning of January, and kept killing a few more in February when the temperature was like the summer.

Some dog owners around me recommended Frontline Plus, topical treatment applying on the back side of neck, worked the best. It is less expensive than pill treatment. It actually worked very good for the first few days; I did not see any fleas on her. 

Comforts, pill treatment, is the one I am giving her now as her vet recommended. This is a lot more expensive than topical treatment. But as researching on the internet, some people reported the side effect, vomiting after taking the pill. To prevent this, I was told to give a half pill with wet food in the morning and the rest in the evening also with wet food. So far it has been working very well.

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