
dog food recalled for euthanasia drug

We as dog owners have to be careful when choosing dog food. The label on the back won't tell us everything about the ingredients of the dog food.

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25 Worst Rated Dog Foods

When I was checking news feed, I found this. Cheap dog foods contain lots of artificial ingredients to harm dog's health. Since dogs tend to eat whatever they find, we, dog owners, have to select a safe dog food.


California set to Ban Bred Cats, Dogs from Pet Stores

This will be a big step to reduce the number of dogs and cats killed at shelters! In addition to the ban, I think the law should become like all breeders protecting purebred pets have to have certain license, which has to be renewed with annual fee and exam, and buyers wanting purebreeds must buy from the one with valid license.


'Saddest Dog in the World' Finds Forever Home

I would like to say to all people who are considering pet adoptions. Once you make a decision to adopt a pet, please do not give up in the middle and return. A pet has a heart, emotions and feelings just like we do. If you are not sure to have a pet forever, please do not think about having a pet in your life.

'Saddest Dog in the World' Finds Forever Home After Being Returned Twice